Head Start

School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships

What is Head Start?!

Head Start is a program that supports students in years 10-12 to participate in a school-based apprenticeship and traineeship (SBAT) program to develop skills, capabilities and confidence that employers in growth industries need.

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) are an employment-based learning pathway that you can take during your secondary schooling. You will combine your senior school years with paid part-time employment and skills training in your chosen field.

Head Start connects students to SBAT opportunities. Head Start Coordinators located in schools across Victoria support students to identify and commence their SBAT, complete school, and transition to full time employment post-school.

You can undertake an SBAT if you are:

  • Over 15 years old
  • Enrolled in years 10, 11 or 12
  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident.

*Non-citizens may be eligible under certain circumstances. Speak with your Head Start coordinator for more information.

SBAT students receive paid on-the-job training that contributes to their VCE, VCE Vocational Major or VPC and leads to a qualification.


  • Increase your future employability and earning potential, by gaining the skills, confidence and knowledge you need to succeed in the future workplace
  • Undertake a secondary certificate such as the VCE, including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.
  • Undertake paid employment to build the career you want.
  • Access quality VET courses, in a wide range of industries with an approved training provider.
  • Combine regular school attendance with a minimum of 7 hours per week of employment, and a minimum of 6 hours per week of structured training, (averaged over 3 periods of 4 months in each year of the SBAT). At least 1 day per week is timetabled by your school to be spent on the job or in training during the normal school week.

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What is Head Start?!

Student Testimonial

Katie Chapman

“During my School-Based Apprenticeship (SBAT) With Head Start, I have gained many new skills that I wouldn’t have learned in a traditional classroom setting. This experience has allowed me to explore my dream job firsthand and gain a better understanding of the daily tasks I would perform in a full-time role. Everyone has been incredibly helpful, and I’m excited to continue learning new skills.”

HEAD START Supports Everyone

Head Start – Hearing from Our Parents

Head Start – Employer – CS Landscaping

Head Start – Hearing from Our Students

Wangaratta High School School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships Sign Ups

Training Contracts & Training Plans

Head Start Coordinators take the stress out of the SBAT sign-up process, by organising an appropriate time and date for:

  • Apprenticeship Support Services
  • Parents and Students
  • Employers

Your Head Start Coordinator will help you navigate the enrolment process with the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and ensure your school is supplied with a copy of your Training Plan.  All VCE and VET providers enter and use the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS) to enrol students and record results.

Your Head Start Coordinator will also routinely check in with you, your employer, and your RTO to ensure you are progressing through the SBAT, whilst maintaining your studies at school.

Our Most Popular Qualifications in Goulburn Ovens Murray

Contact Head Start


Cassy Campbell


0493 703 035



