Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program
SEAL at Wangaratta High School
Wangaratta High School is one of only 38 government schools that have the approval to run the Select Entry and Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program.
The SEAL Program is an innovative program for highly able students and has been running successfully at Wangaratta High School for a number of years, and it is a core part of our holistic education program. The program has attracted some of the brightest regional students who move through sections of the Year 7-9 curriculum at a faster pace in a separate class group. The SEAL Program provides these students with the opportunity to work with like-minded peers and prepares them for broader, more intensive Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) studies and/or University Extension units in their senior years.
The SEAL Program specifically caters for students who enjoy a challenge and are capable of performing above the expected level for their age. Many of these students are gifted. The program is most suited to students who are strong across a range of subject areas in primary school, not just one subject. The curriculum is differentiated specifically for highly able students, it moves at a faster pace, involves less repetition and has greater breadth and depth than the mainstream Year 7-9 curriculum.
The SEAL Academy
The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools (TAASS) is a collective of like-minded schools that strongly value Gifted Education in Victorian Government secondary schools. SEAL Academy schools offer engaging accelerated programs for their groups of gifted students. They meet regularly to share and learn from each other’s experiences of their gifted education programs. SEAL Academy schools offer their teaching staff an extensive professional development program in Gifted Education and, through their networks, are able to source outstanding educators for their programs. Wangaratta High School is the only accredited member in North East Victoria.
Applying for SEAL
The ordinary commencement point for SEAL is Year 7. There are options to transfer from mainstream classes into SEAL for current High School students, and enrolments are open for new students from other schools or to those that are moving to our area. Please make contact with our Enrolments Officer.
Application details are updated annually, usually in March.
2025 Year 7 SEAL Program
To apply for the 2025 Year 7 SEAL Program intake you will need to complete the following:
- NOW: Register your intention online on our Year 7 2025 Registration page
- SEAL Application Form due Friday 2nd August 2024
- SEAL Parent Nomination Survey due Friday 2nd August
- Register with Edutest for the alternative testing day by Friday 2nd August 2024
Complete the Application and Parent Nomination Form and return to the SEAL Coordinator by email to:
Testing Day
Hosted at Wangaratta High School. 2024 testing date (for 2025 enrolment) Saturday 27th July at Wangaratta High School 8.45am to 12.15pm. (bring pens, pencils, eraser, water and morning tea).
You must have registered with Edutest in order to attend the testing day.
You can purchase practice tests (optional) on Edutest via this link:
For further information about Edutest scholarship testing visit their website:
Student Interviews
All applicants will be interviewed by a small panel of friendly High School teachers and the SEAL Coordinator. The interviews takes place at the High School and usually takes 20mins. Interview bookings will open on Monday 5th August for interviews commencing 12th August 2024.
Notification of successful applicants
This normally happens the week after interviews take place