Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health Education at Wangaratta High School are compulsory subjects for students in Years 7 -10. Students can elect to study Physical Education and Health and Human Development in VCE. Physical Education and Health Education Curriculum is based on the current Victorian Curriculum guidelines.
Physical Education and Health classes aim to develop a life long love of being active and awareness of making correct choices for a healthy life.
Teachers of Physical Education and Health aim to:
- Ensure that the units taught are developmentally appropriate (physically, psychologically and socially) and presented in a positive way.
- Ensure enjoyment, self satisfaction and personal success are achieved by all students.
- Provide positive feedback to students to enhance a student’s confidence and ability.
- Ensure that students feel they have a degree of control over the nature and intensity of an activity.
- Utilise strategies that encourage student responsibility.
- Provide opportunity for students to master a range of physical skills, particularly those that are required in sport, fitness or recreation activities that are likely to be used during adulthood.
- Promote personal goal-setting, decision making, evaluation and self reliance.
- Provide opportunity for students to acquire broader knowledge about lifelong physical activity habits. Link knowledge and understanding of physical activity to nutrition and eating habits.
- Provide opportunities for students with special needs when required.
School Sport Victoria (SSV)
School Sport Victoria, as part of the Department of Education, delivers an extensive school sport program to primary and secondary students across Victoria. Wangaratta High School is a member and very active participant.
School Sport Victoria was established on 1 January 2010 following the merger of the Victorian Primary Schools’ Sports Association (VPSSA) and the Victorian Secondary Schools’ Sports Association (VSSSA) that occurred during 2009.
Through their interschool sport program, in partnership with State Sporting Associations, they provide opportunities for students to represent their school across a wide range of individual and team sports.